I finished both of my Ravelympic events in time! The first one, the mittens, were officially posted and I am a real designer on Ravelry now, not that that means much ;-)
The second, my Verena boy's vest, was finished during the closing ceremonies of the Olympics. During Nickleback's performance to be exact. I actually finished the majority of it on Saturday, but didn't have a zipper. Monkey and I went on a field trip to Wal-mart (we needed to replace his DVD player anyway, no zippers there by the way....) and then to Fabricland. He actually thought it was a lot of fun picking out a zipper. I let him choose which color he liked and I am happy to say he picked one that matched! Here is what the vest looks like, better pictures to follow. With all the glorious sun here lately I am sure I can get a good one soon!