Jan 29, 2010

Friday, huh?

Today doesn't feel like Friday. It doesn't feel like any other day, but least of all Friday. I am hoping for a pleasant surprise later today when I realize I don't have to go back to work tomorrow. I think it is just because it is a busy day and our schedule is all crazy.

The only reason I know it really is Friday (other than my calendar of course) is that I know that I am going to Avatar in 3D IMAX tomorrow! Has anyone else gone? Did you like it? I heard you need to check your brain at the door (like most James Cameron movies), but if you do that you will really like it. Update to follow after I see it! Oh and I have a three way planned for Sunday... get your head out of the gutter...

Ravelympics, well, I think I know what I am doing. I am doing the Mommy and Me mittens for the Designer Biathlon event, and the vest previously posted about for the Fleece to FO Long-Track. For the mittens, I will be using commercial worsted yarn, so nothing special there as far as prep. I have an idea of what I want, but haven't written the pattern yet. I am really excited about this one!

As for the unmentionable knitting project, I have decided just to give them yarn for their birthday. There is no way I am going to do this many projects at the same time, so you won't hear me talk about the unmentionable knitting project again 'till after the person gets the yarn. Then you will know what it is and how it is progressing ;-)

So anyway, if someone reading this other than #2 of the upcoming 3 way, leave me a comment so I know you actually exist!

Picture of the day:

I miss summer. Wow! Look how little Monkey is!


  1. What...I'm not allowed to comment??? BTW, for some reason, your blog roll still isn't coming up on Rav...hmmmm...

  2. Of course you can. Especially since I think you are the only one reading!

    I can't figure out why it won't show up on Rav... I have tried three times!
